The ego is a fictitious construct, consisting of self-images that persist because they are believed and attached to. Each such self-image is based on a particular moMent of past experience that generated a Mental construct or story that was taken as a static reality. But, as we know since Heraclitus, that everything is always in flux and that all that exists is the flux of phenoMena in each present moMent, the ego is essentially a fiction.
The ego is a static prison but we should strive to make it a fluid entity governed by Logos instead! In the universal dance of opposites, where there is no good or bad and where an enemy is merely an ally viewed in the wrong way, the ego is not to be annihilated but rather purified and expanded until it simply melts into what is. The ego means “what you think you are”, expanding it then means including more and more reality in your self-definition.
So, let’s dive into Logos, let’s become eco-logical and become more compassionate to ourselves, the planet and the Universe as a whole!