REMIX your SELF: look your Self in the mirror and run an update: where and how could you remix this Self of your’s? Be bold, fun, creative and REMIX your Self!
Esch2022 - European Capital of Culture I Remix Culture
In 2022, Esch-Alzette, together with 10 other municipalities in the south of Luxembourg and 8 municipalities in France, the Communauté de Communes Pays Haut Val d’ Alzette , has been designated “European Capital of Culture”!
This title is awarded each year to a different city or area within the European Union.
vol(t)age x ESCH2022 is a dedicated Remix collection launched in collaboration with Esch2022 and vol(t)age to commemorate this truly special event ESCH2022.
#bettembourg2022 - #ccphva2022 – #differdange2022 - #Dudelange2022 - #eschsuralzette2022 - #mondercange2022 - #kaerjeng2022 - #kayltetange2022 - #petange2022 - #rumelange2022 - #sanem2022 - #schifflange2022